Tag: companionship

  • Reclaim you

    Reclaim you

    There is a belief that a hug fixes everything. It doesn’t. There are times when a hug loses its comfort or its safety because it comes from the very source that keeps causing that pain. Words spoken in anger always cut deeper than any hug can reach. In such cases, a hug is like an…

  • Generational what?

    Generational what?

    The true destruction caused by our insecurities is that it destroys the good that we’re supposed to be creating in the lives of those around us. Insecurity isn’t always displayed through anger or defensiveness. Most often, to hide our insecurity, we over-compensate in spaces where we feel competent, so that we can avoid or distract…

  • Failed expectations

    Failed expectations

    The greatest hurts are not from blatant lies. The deepest cuts are from those we hold dear when they deliberately ignore what they know is important to us. Or worse, when they deliberately do what they know offends us. When we make known our expectations or needs from a significant other, we reveal to them…

  • The truth about compromise

    The truth about compromise

    That old adage about marriage being about compromise explains why so many marriages appear so burdensome to the ones involved. Before you start listing all the sacrifices that you make towards making your marriage work, consider that a willing compromise or sacrifice is a contribution towards something greater than who we are. The only time…

  • Understand before you judge harshly

    Understand before you judge harshly

    Before you get upset with someone for not treating you the way that you want them to treat you, consider that what you need may not come naturally to them. Without meaning to, we oppress others when we assume that just because we’re capable of something, they should be too. This is especially true when…

  • Daydream your life away…

    Daydream your life away…

    Sometimes we lose ourselves to nostalgia to the point of disconnecting from the life that we have. Good memories are great, as long as it’s not a reason to take our current blessings for granted. Many of us are so fixated on the life that we once had, that we neglect the people and the…

  • Turning pain into beauty

    Turning pain into beauty

    Shortly after I published my novel, An Incomplete Love Story, I remember asking if I finally had permission to post romantic, or mushy stuff. The responses were entertaining and generally positive. The most common question I get is whether it is based on true life, or is it fiction. Suffice to say it’s a dumbed…

  • Fanning our rage

    Fanning our rage

    Fear is driven by need. The moment we give up on the need, the fear subsides. Our need to be significant to those who are significant to us drives most of the fears that may fan our rage at the world. But only for as long as we still have hope that there is a…