Category: Life

  • Gratitude spawns respect

    Gratitude spawns respect

    Disrespect is often followed by discipline, or some other form of consequence management. While there is a need to correct bad behaviour, we can either spend our lives correcting that behaviour, or we can recognise that it’s a symptom of something else. That something else is the absence of gratitude. No. Not gratitude for what…

  • Grow, from unexpected places

    Grow, from unexpected places

    If you don’t like what someone has to say about you, make sure you’re not rejecting it because of who’s saying it. The truth about us is often spoken by our enemies, regardless of their motivation to do so. Growth is often experienced at the hands of those we hold in contempt. When you surround…

  • Be true about seeking truth

    Be true about seeking truth

    If you’re sincere about seeking the truth, you won’t be distracted by the source or tone through which it arrives. The truth is only harsh if you’re not willing to accept it. The harshness enters when we need to hear something more palatable or pleasant about ourselves because we need the validation that says that…

  • Make space for peace

    Make space for peace

    Don’t go searching for peace. Get rid of the noise and peace will find its way to you. When you find yourself in darkness, it doesn’t help to try to contain the darkness, does it? Instead, we go in search of a means to create l light. Similarly, when you’re desiring peace, you need to…

  • Never abandon hope

    Never abandon hope

    Hope is born in moments when you have no reason to believe in the moment that is to follow, but something good unexpectedly lands in your lap. It’s born when that unexpected call changes your life for the better. It’s born when that stranger smiled an understanding smile in that moment that you thought the…

  • Don’t just survive

    Don’t just survive

    I see too many people that take pride in being a survivor, which in itself is not unhealthy. It becomes unhealthy when that act of survival defines them for the rest of their lives. Don’t allow a traumatic event, or an abusive relationship to define you beyond the immediate act of surviving it. You are…

  • Fanning our rage

    Fanning our rage

    Fear is driven by need. The moment we give up on the need, the fear subsides. Our need to be significant to those who are significant to us drives most of the fears that may fan our rage at the world. But only for as long as we still have hope that there is a…

  • You can’t wish away your struggle

    You can’t wish away your struggle

    Wishing it’s a sunny day when it’s raining is not going to make the sun come out. Therefore, leaving your umbrella behind is an act of foolishness, not optimism. A positive mindset can often lead us into delusional states. When our overbearing sense of deliberate positivity doesn’t produce results, it crushes our spirit even more…