Never abandon hope

Hope is born in moments when you have no reason to believe in the moment that is to follow, but something good unexpectedly lands in your lap.

It’s born when that unexpected call changes your life for the better.

It’s born when that stranger smiled an understanding smile in that moment that you thought the world was oblivious to your presence.

It’s born when you wake in the morning and discover that despite your worst premonitions, you have a good day.

Hope can be torturous when the events of your life have given you little reason to believe that the good that you experience will last for more than a fleeting moment.

But, knowing that it’s possible for it to last beyond that brief period of joy is what makes it impossible to ignore the hope that bubbles beneath the surface.

Hope is faith. And faith is hope.

Both are intricately woven into the fabric of our struggles.

When we focus on our struggles only, we lose sight of all those moments that planted the seeds of hope in our hearts so many lifetimes before the present moment.

In forgetting, we burden ourselves with more than the burdens of life. We burden ourselves with the burden of ingratitude as well.

Focus on hope, and faith will have your back.

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