Escaping addiction

It’s not drugs that steal our children from us. Like us, they also need to feel significant.

Taking drugs is not just a bad habit. It’s a means to escape what we don’t want to deal with in the world around us.

Is it a bad decision? Absolutely. Because escaping something never resolves it, it only defers it to a later time.

But we all indulge in escapism of some kind, that’s why we have little to no communication in homes that centre around technology or social media, leaving the young ones struggling to find a space in which they belong, physically and emotionally.

The emotional connection that they then forge with fellow escapees is what makes drugs the escape of choice.

If we treat them as addicts, they will behave like addicts. If we deny what is lacking in their emotional make up, we’ll deny ourselves the opportunity to address it.

Addressing it doesn’t only benefit them, it also benefits us because the only reason that they would feel emotionally isolated is because we’re not emotionally accessible.

That means that we’re also denying ourselves the sweetness of life because if we’re emotionally unavailable, then we’re convinced that what is important to us is not important to anyone else.

That’s why we lose ourselves to duty and dismiss any demands to be emotionally available for those around us.

That’s how we create the environment that makes substance abuse or gambling, or other escapes attractive as a coping mechanism.

Break the cycle.

It always starts with you.

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