Wow! Look at me now…

Of all the things that test our resolve, the acquisition of knowledge is the most important.

It’s easy to get lost in the praise and social elevation that accompanies achievements such as professional qualifications, religious standing, or even business success.

And because each of it demands a lot of personal sacrifice and discipline, the feeling of entitlement to its rewards takes root without much effort at all.

Especially since there are many who would treat us with privilege because of their need to be associated with such social standing, or success.

However, that’s when we lose ourselves to the trinkets and luxuries that accompanies such success.

That’s when we lose ourselves to the power and influence that such social standing offers.

That’s when the true tests of our convictions and our value systems present themselves.

Not only does it matter how we treat people after enjoying such accomplishments, but more importantly, how we utilise the resources that we have access to, including the social structures of privilege that we belong to, that determines the true value of our accomplishments.

A healthy self-esteem is the only grounding point to prevent such erosion of values or ethical standing.

A healthy self-esteem, not an inflated ego, is what will keep us focused on how much more good we can achieve, or value we can create for those who cannot benefit us, so that we don’t squander our success or opportunities on self-enrichment or extravagance of lifestyle.

The sweetness of life lies in the upliftment of others.

It’s the only accomplishment that doesn’t leave us chasing for validation or acceptance.

It’s rooted in gratitude for who we are and what we have.

Without such gratitude, we forever chase opportunities to subdue the fear of inadequacy.

It always starts with you.

#greed #ethicalcorruption #corruption #selfworth #selfloathing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #lifecoaching #zaidismail #philanthropy #charity #abuse #narcissism #narcissiticabuse

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