Tag: selflove

  • It’s not always about you

    It’s not always about you

    With due to respect to the author of this quote, I totally disagree with this view. This is why. It’s one thing to let someone know that you were hurt by something that they did or said. But it’s something totally different to blame them for hurting you. When you make them aware of how…

  • Don’t wait for justice

    Don’t wait for justice

    This world was created for respite, not for justice. Stop waiting for it to be OK before you move on with your life. It will never truly be OK. And when you eventually do move on, it’s because you stopped waiting for it to be OK, not because it suddenly was OK. Life is most…

  • Lost moments

    Lost moments

    The pendulum of time brushes ever so lightly against the arc of eternity, and in that very finite moment of its contact, an entire lifetime is lived. Some are deluded into believing that the pendulum will swing back, realising too late that once the moment is passed, it is lost to eternity. For some reason,…

  • Don’t label your struggle

    Don’t label your struggle

    Mental health is about hope. The more hope we have for experiencing joy tomorrow, the better our mental health today. The human experience is not an illness. The best way to protect your mental health is by recognising your humanness. Don’t allow your reality to be labelled as something more than your experience of the…

  • The gratitude paradox

    The gratitude paradox

    Gratitude is a result of appreciating the absence of something. That absence doesn’t have to be experienced, it can also be observed. All that is needed is an event or incident that inspires the realisation of what life would be like without the value that we obtain from something. Occasionally it’s from someone. It is…

  • Understanding vs Judgement

    Understanding vs Judgement

    There are two types of people in this world. Those who appreciate our efforts for trying to achieve good things. And those who ignore our efforts and judge us for failing. The ones who appreciate the effort recognise their own path towards growth, and empathise with the struggle and aspirations of others. This inspires them…

  • Judging is easy

    Judging is easy

    Judging each other only becomes easy when we assume that we are above the behaviour that were judging. When we receive the benefit of the doubt from others, we assume that we deserve it, rather than it being a result of their generosity of spirit. When we’re misunderstood, we may be inclined towards accusing others…

  • Respectfully dishonest

    Respectfully dishonest

    This is especially true for our relationships with ourselves, more than it reflects on our relationships with others. We disrespect ourselves when we avoid truths that feel shameful or disappointing about who we are. That shame or disappointment that we feel is because we’re looking at ourselves through other people’s eyes, or at least what…