Don’t raise a tyrant

Understanding right from wrong is the easy part.

How to effectively respond to what is wrong without creating a new problem is the difficult part.

With the emphasis always being on knowing who is right and wrong, but hardly any focus on how to deal with such differences, we raise children who are intolerant or misguided in their fight for what is right.

Learning how life works is about more than just the rules. It’s about knowing how to be firm while still being empathetic, compassionate, and fair.

Every tyrant believes in their own mind that they are justified in what they’re doing.

Every tyrant has reason to compromise on what they believe is right because they are convinced that there is a greater good that is being served through such compromise.

Every tyrant doesn’t accept that they’re being a tyrant. They see themselves as defending a just cause.

If you don’t raise your children with understanding why there is benefit in upholding what is right, and why there is benefit in being gentle but firm about opposing what is wrong, you will raise a tyrant who will turn against you when you challenge them about something that they feel justified about.

That’s how we create Zionists in our own homes, and unleash tyrants into the homes of other people’s children when our children get married.

Understanding why is always more important than simply know what to do.

Without understanding why, we lose critical thinking, empathy, compassion, and worst of all, we lose our humanness.

Go beyond instructing your children about the rules to live by, and demonstrate through meaningful action and participation how it is that they must live by those rules.

Not only will the participation improve their self-worth, but the active demonstration will lead to more credibility behind what they must stand up for.

#parenting #raisingchildren #singleparenting #divorce #lifecoaching #zaidismail #theegosystem #ownyourlife #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness

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