Tag: sincerity

  • Have a little faith

    Have a little faith

    Believing is not the same as faith. At least not in the way that I experience it. When I believe in something, it’s because I’ve attached evidence from previous experiences that convince me that what I believe to be true is probably true. While there is an element of faith to that, its not really…

  • Don’t wait for justice

    Don’t wait for justice

    This world was created for respite, not for justice. Stop waiting for it to be OK before you move on with your life. It will never truly be OK. And when you eventually do move on, it’s because you stopped waiting for it to be OK, not because it suddenly was OK. Life is most…

  • A silent betrayal

    A silent betrayal

    The betrayal of trust is not always due to blatant acts of dishonesty. Most often, it’s the silence or the restraint from a loved one when their words or their embrace is most needed. It’s the shrug when we reach out to them or offer them support, or the deliberate obliviousness when we express our…

  • My silent scream

    My silent scream

    When rage is all you have left in you, know that you’ve surrendered yourself to the betrayal of the world. When rage becomes a silent scream or a deliberate protest, despite your best intentions, you are still defined by that betrayal. When rage colours your view of the world, you see demons in angels, and…

  • Getting it wrong

    Getting it wrong

    An excerpt from my first book, The Egosystem, contemplating the impact of things not working out often leads to our greatest moments of inspiration. That’s part of the beauty of defeat. It creates a deepening appreciation for the dreams that we court. But we all have a tolerance level beyond which even the probability of…

  • A brain dump

    A brain dump

    I need to return to my self. When the feeling of being adrift and the mental fog merge, the road ahead appears as a romantic setting filled with intrigue and adventure, but little answers. In seeking such answers, I may find new paths and new passions, but such a journey cannot be undertaken when chained…

  • Respectfully dishonest

    Respectfully dishonest

    This is especially true for our relationships with ourselves, more than it reflects on our relationships with others. We disrespect ourselves when we avoid truths that feel shameful or disappointing about who we are. That shame or disappointment that we feel is because we’re looking at ourselves through other people’s eyes, or at least what…

  • Demand more…of yourself

    Demand more…of yourself

    Unless you believe that you are capable of achieving more, you will always hold on to less. That belief is more about feeling worthy than it is about ability. Sometimes, we look at how our best efforts were received and assume that the negative outcomes bear testament to the value that we have to offer.…