Tag: embracingME

  • A bitter trade

    A bitter trade

    We lose ourselves to the bitterness of this world when we allow the self-loathing of others to define our self-worth. In our desire to be understood, we willingly adopt labels that limit our expression of who we truly are. It is a betrayal of the contract of kindness that we have with our soul. The…

  • Be gentle…to you

    Be gentle…to you

    When you treat the vulnerable or the gentle ones with contempt, you create the same monsters that made you. The moment that we realise what we assume to be our nature is in fact a product of our upbringing, we’ll be able to make conscious decisions about who we want to be. Sometimes, we place…

  • Dare to dream

    Dare to dream

    When we pursue the impossible, we achieve the unbelievable. But, we’re often so distracted by how impossible our goal might appear, that we lose sight of everything that its pursuit offers us. Fortune cookie wisdom tells us that it’s the journey that matters, not the destination. Yet, we lose sight of the growth that the…

  • Gratitude before regret

    Gratitude before regret

    It’s impossible to be grateful for a blessing that you don’t acknowledge. Like believing that we’re entitled to certain outcomes because of our effort or contribution. Or believing that we’re entitled to be treated a certain way because we believe we’re a good person. Whether those entitlements are true is not the issue. The issue…

  • Gratitude is not the first step

    Gratitude is not the first step

    Gratitude is all that matters, because gratitude is not possible without everything that matters coming before it. Gratitude escapes us when we don’t respect the effort needed to achieve anything worth achieving. It escapes us when we assume that we’re entitled to an outcome, without considering our contribution that is needed towards that outcome. It…

  • Invest purposefully in your life

    Invest purposefully in your life

    Invest in creating the life that you want, rather than escaping the life that you don’t want. It might sound obvious, but take a breather and consider what drives your choices. Are you driven by the need to avoid unpleasant encounters in your life? Or are you driven by the need to create encounters that…

  • The understanding seeker

    The understanding seeker

    Seek to understand, so that you may be able to accept the events of your life with peace, rather than feeling compelled to let go with bitterness. It’s the inclination to want to be heard that denies us peace when we’re not heard. Or to want to be acknowledged when we are dismissed. Rather than…

  • Your perspective is your choice

    Your perspective is your choice

    Perspective is a choice, not an inheritance. Improve your awareness of why you believe what you believe, and it will be possible to consciously choose what resonates with your personal value system, and discarding what doesn’t. When we lose sight of why we hold the perspectives that we do, and those perspectives create a conflict…