Tag: gratitude

  • Don’t celebrate the victim

    Don’t celebrate the victim

    Can you tell the difference between those who want to improve versus those who want others to see how brave their struggle is? When you wear your heart on your sleeve, it weakens you because your struggle grows to define you. If you’re not careful, the sympathy you get from going through a struggle can…

  • Choose your advisors carefully

    Choose your advisors carefully

    Be careful about advice that makes you feel good but doesn’t resolve anything. Things that make us feel good either provides us with an emotional high and feeds our ego, or with a spiritual high and feeds our soul. When we strike a healthy balance between the two, we find peace. So, be careful of…

  • Escaping emotionally abusive homes

    Escaping emotionally abusive homes

    Trigger warning. Unpopular opinion. Tough love ahead. It’s not drugs that steal our children from us. Like us, they also need to feel significant. Taking drugs is not just a bad habit. It’s a means to escape what we don’t want to deal with in the world around us. Is it a bad decision? Absolutely.…

  • Don’t try to be better than others

    Don’t try to be better than others

    The sooner you realise that you’re different from everyone else, the sooner you’ll be able to define your own path. The most pervasive limiting belief that I encounter in others is the belief that they’re not as good as others. If we stop and pay attention for a brief moment, we’ll realise that it’s not…

  • Why gratitude is all that matters

    Why gratitude is all that matters

    Gratitude speaks more to our soul than any gift or trinket, or whispers of endearment. Gratitude is impossible without respect,and respect is impossible without honesty,and honesty is impossible without sincerity. And so it continues until we realise that expecting gratitude or appreciation from someone that lacks any of these fundamental traits in their character is…

  • Sincere advisors

    Sincere advisors

    Cherish those who hold you to a higher standard, not those who pacify you when you’re wrong. Of the rarest of creation, I believe, must be the sincere advisor. If you find one, cherish them, because their commitment is to your upliftment, and not to their own ego. Photo Credit : Naadirah Ismail

  • Ready to Rage

    Ready to Rage

    When tolerance levels are breached, rage is an inevitable next step. It’s like the boundaries of fear that are overcome in moments of desperation when the realisation sets in that remaining true to our current approach, is as meaningless or ineffective as throwing caution to the wind, and demanding what we need, or want. But,…

  • Trappings of Entitlement

    Trappings of Entitlement

    Ingratitude seeps in when you look for evidence of deliberate kindness despite there being no evidence of cruelty from others. We’re so conditioned to find goodness against the backdrop of evil, or generosity in the midst of selfishness, that we’ve grown to believe that only the evidence of deliberate kindness is an indication of care…