Question: Depression



People who think depression is a choice, take a second to think. How would it feel to wake up and not having the emotional strength to face people? To think that time is just passing by with no real reason? To feel so alone even when you are sitting…

Unfortunately you’ve missed the entire point of my post. Having been ‘diagnosed’ with depression before, I’m hardly what you could label as someone that is insensitive to people that are depressed. If I said that depression is all in your mind and that you’re simply missing the point of life, then by all means accuse me of insensitivity. But if you read carefully, you’ll note that I challenge the common perspective on what depression is rather than dismissing the fact that it exists. So to reiterate my point, depression is a symptom and not an illness. The root cause of depression lies in our choices based on our expectations of others and life in general. Change your choices and your expectations and the symptom of depression will dissipate without any direct effort required. Trying to deal with depression is like asking an exhausted person not to feel tired. That’s simply ridiculous. Instead, you would ask them to exercise more, eat healthier and most obviously get more rest. Exhaustion would therefore be the symptoms of poor lifestyle choices, wouldn’t it?

White teethed teens: cynicallyjade: thefemaleedward: People who think depression is a…

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