Tag: sufi

  • Engage, Not Just Condemn

    partytilfajr: It is great to identify problems, but the issue I have is that, especially in the West, we have fallen into a “culture of condemnation,” in which in order to be exempt from criticism, we simply must condemn “Issue X” or “Issue Y,” and therefore, we have shown, through mere words, that we are…

  • What Kind of Muslim Are You?

    verse2verse: Everytime this comes on my Dashboard, I WILL REBLOG!!! 🙂

  • Confused Thoughts…Strange Experiences

    A long many years ago I was approached by an old man that I didn’t know. It was after Isha salaah at a mosque that I didn’t frequent very often since it was outside of my neighbourhood. I must have been around 18 or 19 at the most at the time. Anyway, this man started…