Tag: parenting

  • Wow I didnt know you had a daughter.. what happened to your wife? how old are you? Would you ever consider re marrying? May Allah make it easy on you and your daughter I hope that things turn out.

    My daughter’s mother died in a car accident two years ago. We were divorced for a few years before that, and as these situations tend to get bitter quite often, I was denied access to my daughter for the better part of that time. So when her mother died, I automatically got full custody being…

  • Question – Parenting

    runesofthedead replied to your post: A Brain Dump May I ask how old is she? I’ve found that kids pick up their parents ideals by observing them, so maybe it will take a while but slowly she will come to adopt them 🙂 and I agree about the staggering disappearance of ideals from our society.…

  • A Brain Dump

    Looking across the table at my daughter leaves me wondering if she’ll ever grasp the extent of the struggles and sacrifices that I and many others have gone through just so that she may have a normal life. She already takes so much for granted which goes against so many principles that I always thought…

  • Question: An abusive father

    Grew up with a father who hated me from day1. Beat me black&blue everyday. Mother stood up for me. He tried to kill her once with knife to throat. But he was so loving to my lil sis. At the same time mother was stronger, more dominant than him. Ive always hated him so the…

  • Question: Absent father figure

    Daddy issues from age 0-present, does that count? Basically I would be such a better person if I had a different more accepting and encouraging father figure. I can’t say those experiences are past me, we still see each other every day and there’s still pain and anger I get out of our relationship. Shoot?…

  • A few random thoughts

    The ‘anything goes’ mentality is far more extremist than those that stand by moderation. It requires an extremist to allow anything to pass as acceptable without restraint, whereas it requires conscious thought, conviction, and balance to apply one’s mind to moderation. Yet the duplicity of society would incline you to believe that those that seek…

  • When you have a son you worry about 1 penis, when you have a daughter you worry about them all. Raven’s Wings