Tag: lies

  • Happy Damned Birthday

    Birthdays have always been an ominous occasion for me. I can never find a reason to celebrate because of the stark reminders carried by such a milestone. I’m certainly a glass-half-empty kind of person when it comes to this, probably because my glass full of life just got emptier at the passing of yet another…

  • Humility and Happiness is not a choice

    We often look at humility and consider how it can’t be acquired, because the very effort to acquire humility will be the result of an arrogant indulgence. Then there is the cliché quoted by many that the profession of humility is in itself arrogance, which has much truth in it. What isn’t so obvious though is that the…

  • The Pretentiousness of Self-Doubt

    Self-doubt, it seems, is insecurity cloaked in anxiety. It occurred to me one morning on my way to work this week that each time I witnessed someone in the throes of an anxiety attack, there was an underlying sense of grave insecurity that left them helpless to deal with even fleeting thoughts of burdens they…

  • Perhaps…

    Farting against thunder. That’s often the sum total of my state of mind these days. For a moment today I felt as if sharing my thoughts on this and other blogs of mine was in fact perpetuating the whispers of insignificance that taunt me. It’s an insane cycle. Needing an outlet, not necessarily creative or…

  • The Great Olympic Pissing Contest

    Seems a hiatus is called for again, because the Olympic spam is fast becoming a major annoyance. We assign such significance to these events that we fail to see the simple truth behind it all. Like the FIFA Soccer World Cup, and other similar sporting events hosted on a global stage, it’s nothing but capitalistic…

  • We Want Your Freedom

    americawakiewakie: Or, maybe it’s U.S. bombs destroying sovereign peoples’ homes, or U.S. drones murdering their children. 

  • The Real Terrorists

    The numbers speak for themselves. There’s no point in sharing any observations around this because anyone with a thinking brain can see the disproportion between what is stated in the media and emphasised in studied history relative to the facts. It’s a simple chart indicating the death toll of the various responsible ‘civilisations’ since the…

  • A mask for truth

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. Oscar Wilde (via vesperbat)