Tag: language

  • Me and my American wife

    Daughter: Daddy, mummy says the sandwiches are about to go into the press Me: Tell mummy it’s not a press, it’s a toaster Mummy: … The difference in terminology between what Americans call things, versus what we say in South Africa is quite amusing at times. My favourite so far has got to be the…

  • Word of the day…

    perspicacity (noun) The capacity to assess situations or circumstances shrewdly and to draw sound conclusions. I just like the meaning of this word and how pompous it would sound to actually use it in normal conversation.

  • Contaminated

    It’s sad that the moral decay of society has resulted in so many wholesome phrases becoming an embarrassing utterance no matter how innocently they may be stated. A few that came to mind this morning include: “Bend over and take it like a man” – this was a common statement by friends and teachers alike…