Tag: cultural appropriation

  • Frustration is that feeling you get when you see idiots waging arguments about issues that are distorted by their anger and inbred prejudices and sincerely wanting to correct them, but knowing that any attempt at reasonable discourse will fall on selectively deaf ears inviting nothing but venomous drivel in return.  

  • That Cultural Thing

    I once heard someone say something along the lines of: If you need government to protect your culture, then your culture is already dead These cultural appropriation-ists should consider this within a broader context.  Whether or not cultural appropriation is true, for me, is a side issue. The real issue is how did it get…

  • Cultural Appropriation (cont.)

    coragem: This is for cynicallyjaded, who was interested in my views on cultural appropriation. I feel that the careless throwing around of the term cultural appropriation somewhat deligitimises it when it actually occurs. A non-native wearing Native American tribal headdresses and prancing around with facepaint on, or someone wearing a bindi with no regard for…

  • Cultural Appropriation

    cynicallyjaded: To me, it sounds like a desperate effort on the part of those with barely any roots to lay claim to a culture that they don’t understand, will probably never fully appreciate, will subscribe to selectively, and are using it purely as a tool to establish some sort of elitism because they lack any…