Day: 1 May 2012

  • On the Occasion of My Death

    With all the news this week about deaths, and supposed deaths, affecting people I know and love, and people I thought I knew, it got me wondering what it is that I would want people to realise on the occasion of my death. So this would be my eulogy to me: Please remember that the…

  • Sisters, you are meant to be a comfort in this dunya for your husbands.

    hakuna-mataataa: Don’t become the reason for their anguish or stress. They face enough of that from work and the community. Remember that it is their job primarily to give da’wah and to build a community but they won’t be able to do so unless they are at peace from within. That comes from you. Causing…

  • The virtual reality of life

    There is no line between virtuality and reality. Any line that you thought existed was simply a deception of your own mind. Online platforms give us the ability to escape our real lives under the guise of anonymity to the point where we identify ourselves as a url and assume that that is sufficient to…