Day: 20 May 2012

  • To my daughters…

    cynicallyjaded: I pray that you never will understand some of what I’m going through, some of what I feel, or some of what I think…because to understand you would need to experience what I’ve experienced. And I wouldn’t want you to feel the pain and the anguish that I’ve felt that made me feel, see…

  • Integrity is dead. Self-preservation killed it. Cynically Jaded (via cynicallyjaded)

  • Dress your soul in modesty and wear your spirit with confidence Cynically Jaded (via cynicallyjaded)

  • Awkwardly regrettable

    Awkwardness is having to tell your friends that have turned into acquaintances about an important milestone in your life while suppressing the demons that beckon the memories of the mocking ridicule that was disguised as friendly jabs at the news of your last divorce. The laziness and callousness of people is most evident when they…

  • imaan-daar: Oh, Africa. (Source:

  • These are the words of someone who fully understood singing and its effects, for no one regularly sings or listens to song except that his heart falls into (nifaq) Hypocrisy without him realizing. If such a person understood the reality of nifaq and its end he would see it in his own heart. Never do…